About OhSnap.us

Who we are.

Just some developers who had a problem to fix and build websites for fun.

Why does this exist?

This site was built because we got tired of searching youtube, snap.fan, marvelsnapzone, reddit and everywhere else to find news and info. So, we built an aggregator of some of our favorite creators and sites. And, if it was good for us, maybe other folks would be interested, too. So, we built this site out of necessity and as a hobby. And, since this is a bit of a hobby, we have not implemented all of the features yet, but we will get there. Stay tuned.


Feel free to send us a note on the contact page. Everything from new features you would like to see, things you hate, creators you would like to see indexed or removed - whatever you have to say, we would love to hear from you.

Tools and Feeds for this site

We used some open source, closed source, feeds and services to build this site. Here are some of the tools we used:
